September Newsletter

Save the Date! – Tuesday, October 2 – NNO Ice Cream Social

MUD 127 residents are invited to join the District’s annual National Night Out celebration on Tuesday, October 2, 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Brenwood Park Club House parking lot, 18210 S. Wimbledon.

The annual event is an informal gathering for the entire family. Enjoy a complimentary iced treat while meeting and visiting with neighbors, MUD board directors, and members of the MUD 127 Security Patrol .

Learn more about home and personal safety and security, along with the conservation and management of our most precious resource. You may even get lucky and win a door prize!

For 35 years, National Night Out celebrations have rallied Americans to get to know their neighbors, unite the community, and promote safety and crime prevention. We hope you and your family join us this year!

MUD 127 Web Site – Gets New Look

By the end of September, the District’s web site at will have a new look. All the essential info about MUD services will remain, along with links to educational content on resource conservation, economical usage and related issues — just in a fresher, more easily navigated package.

Visit the site, and let MUD Board members know what you think about the changes.

Update: Added Payment – Options for Water Bills

In May 2018, H2O Consulting introduced a new and improved look to our water bills, making it easier to understand monthly usage and costs, along with the possibility of going paperless and receiving bills by email.

As promised, the Company is adding new ways to make it easier pay our water bills. In addition to the options to pay by mail, in person and online (, MUD 127 customers can now set up a monthly auto-pay arrangement, authorizing automatic deductions from their bank account or charges to a credit card.

Details for all the options are explained on the back of this page, along with a form and instructions for requesting receipt of your bill electronically. In addition, a monthly auto-draft authorization form with instructions is included with this mailing.

Bill Payment Options

  1. Pay online at This option allows you to pay with electronic check (E-Check) or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover). You must enter your entire 10-digit account number. The first five digits are 53127 (MUD 127 District ID), and the last five are your individual account number.
  2. Pay at most major supermarkets using your water bill payment stub. Note that payments made at these locations take two to four business days to appear on your account. LATE PAYMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AT THESE LOCATIONS.
  3. Mail a check or money order to HCMUD #127, PO Box 842115, Houston, TX 77284.
  4. Pay in person at the H2O Consulting office located at 5870 Hwy 6 North, Suite 215, Houston, TX 77084 during business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Check, money order, and cash are accepted. Note: if paying with cash, no change can be given.
  5. Drop your check or money order in an envelope (with your payment stub) in the Drop Box located in the former drive-through banking lane on the north side of the office building at 5870 Hwy 6 North. This can be done at any time.
  6. Set up monthly auto-pay from your bank account or via credit card. To arrange auto-pay, complete the enclosed authorization form. Forms are also available at H2O Consulting’s office and at The form and payments are processed by Central Bank in Houston. Fees for this option are explained on the form. Note: implementation of auto-pay may take up to two billing cycles after receipt of your authorization form by Central Bank.

For billing questions, please contact H2O Consulting’s Billing Department at 281-861-6215.

Would you like to receive your bills electronically?

Fill out the form below and return with your payment. (Please print legibly.)

Electronic Billing and Automatic Draft Setup Form (PDF)