Customer Care Contacts
- Call (281) 313-2378 Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Sat: 8:00 AM – noon
- Email anytime: [email protected]
Each month, MUD 127 residents generate more than 200 tons of trash and 25 tons of recyclables. The District partners with Best Trash to collect and dispose of the household trash and recyclables from homes in the district. Best Trash is a private, locally-owned company operating in the solid waste industry for 25 years and takes pride in its excellent customer service and committed collection crews. While we have included collection instructions here and there are extensive FAQ pages at the company’s website, you should contact Best Trash Customer Service any time you have a question or concern.
Trash Collection Guide
Collection days for household trash are Wednesdays and Saturdays. Have all containers at the curb by 7:00 AM on collection day. Place your trash to ensure that there is at least four (4) feet of space all around for the trash to be collected; do not block any trash with a vehicle or trailer.
As explained below, Best Trash is equipped to accept a wide variety of materials, but not everything you might consider “trash.”
The following materials are not accepted for collection: dirt, mulch, sod, rocks, bricks, tile, concrete, tires, car batteries, motor oil, cooking oil, CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS, waste generated by a contractor, or any material or items deemed hazardous materials. Do not dispose of gasoline, motor oil, liquid paints, cooking oil, or any other liquid items in a container not visible to Best Trash personnel. (If such items result in spillage that causes a stain, Best Trash is not responsible for the cleanup).
Please note the materials accepted for collection below, and follow the collection instructions.
- Bag loose trash to avoid spillage during collection, and place bags in the 95-gallon black cart with red lid. The carts are designed for speedy, safe, and efficient handling by the collection crews. Best Trash will only collect trash from its 95-gallon branded containers or any personal trash cans between 30- and 50-gallon-capacity and/or trash bags not exceeding 40 pounds. (Do not use any personal trash can that is smaller than 30 gallons as the crew will think it is out to be collected as trash).
- Tree branches, shrubs, and brush trimmings need to be properly tied and bundled. Tied bundles must be no more than four (4) feet in length, have no branch diameter exceeding three (3) inches, and be no heavier than 40 pounds. Separate the bundles to show that they are clearly tied and bundled. These requirements allow for easier pickup and prevent damage to Best Trash equipment. Please leave out no more than five (5) tied bundles at a time. Do not fill your trash cart with limbs.
- Yard waste must be in bags not heavier than 40 pounds. A maximum of five (5) bags per pickup day will be collected; however, this allowable amount can change due to weather conditions. Note that yard debris does not include mulch or dirt as they are items not accepted.
- Paint and paint cans will be taken, but they must be dried first. Let the paint sit out in the sun until dry or use a drying agent like kitty litter to dry the paint. Once the paint is fully dried, set the cans to the curb with the lids removed for collection; do not place them in a bag.
- Heavy trash and bulk item removal is available on both Wednesdays and Saturdays, but is limited it to two (2) items per collection day. Heavy/bulk items include mattresses, box springs, furniture, toilets, and appliances. Note: furniture with tile or ceramic cannot be picked up. Leave a toilet at the curb as is for the trash crew to collect; do not place inside a box.
- Refrigerators and freezers can be removed, but they must be drained of refrigerant first. By federal law, refrigerators and freezers or any other items containing refrigerant must be drained of refrigerant and have an accompanying bill to validate that such service was performed, so attach the validation bill to the item before placing it at the curb for collection.
- Up to one (1) room of laminate, wood flooring or carpet will be picked up if tied in bundles no more than four (4) feet in length and no heavier than 40 pounds. Separate the bundles to show they are clearly tied and bundled, and put out no more than ten (10) tied bundles at a time. Please note: if a natural disaster occurs, flooring and carpet are considered storm debris and will be removed by the county.
Cart Care and Maintenance
Best Trash will provide each current residence with ONE 65-gallon trash cart and ONE 65-gallon recycling cart. Best Trash will replace any containers that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear. Lost or stolen containers can be replaced for a fee each by calling Best Trash or emailing [email protected].
Holiday Schedule
If your regular trash or recycle collection day falls on a holiday (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day) the collection will be made on the next regularly scheduled collection day.
Still have questions about trash collection? Click here for Trash Collection FAQs, or here for Heavy Trash and Bulk Items FAQs. See instructions for disposal of Household Hazardous Waste here.
Curbside Recycling Guide
MUD 127 encourages residents to take advantage of once-a-week curbside recycling on Saturdays, in accordance with the information below.
In order to provide the most environmentally responsible service, Best Trash provides each residence with one 65-gallon green cart with a black lid labeled “Recycle Only.” Use the recycle cart for recyclable materials only, not as an extra trash container.
- Place your recyclable items inside the cart. All recycled items should be dry, empty, clean, and loose. Remove caps, liquids, and food products from inside the containers. If items exceed container capacity, place the extra items in a clear plastic bag next to the cart.
- Accepted recyclable products are paper (including flattened paperboard and cardboard boxes), metal (aluminum and tin cans), plastics #1-5 and #7 (bottles, tubs, jars and jugs), thin plastic bags (must be grouped and tied together in a separate bag), and glass (all colors). Flatten all boxes. Place oversized flattened boxes next to the recycle cart.
- See the handy chart below summarizing the dos-and-don’ts of recycling. Click on the chart to view, print and post in a place where everyone in the household can refer to it.
- Not accepted for recycling: clothes and wire hangers, mirrors, windows, and light bulbs, tree branches, grass, leaves, and foliage, paint and solvent materials (along with their containers), and batteries. Batteries can be taken to Batteries Plus locations for special recycling, and electronics waste can be dropped at Best Buy. Household hazardous waste can be taken to the Harris County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 6900 Hahl Road. More about household hazardous waste at this link.
If you have additional questions about what products are accepted for curbside recycling, check the Recycling FAQs here at the Best Trash website, or contact their Customer Service office.
Monday, April 14, 2025 at 12:00 PM
The District’s Board of Directors generally meets on the second Monday of the month at noon at the office of Strawn & Richardson, 1155 Dairy Ashford, Suite 875, Houston, Texas 77079.
Meeting agendas are posted one week in advance of meetings.